
Hey, Google: What’s a sprain vs. strain? Why is my teen’s knee sore from sports? When should my baby start crawling?

Calgary Youth Physiotherapy Logo

Looking to google, for answers to questions like these, is certainly common. A quick internet search is often the first line of defence to ease a parent’s worried mind. That is a big reason why Calgary Youth Physiotherapy (CYP) recently went through a website update. Their refreshed site now provides detailed information on some of the most common conditions that they see and offers evidence on how personalized assessment and treatment from a paediatric physiotherapist can help!

Because you’re reading this, it’s safe to assume that you’ve found the site… now let’s explain what a visit to CYP can look like for you and your family.

Opening the door to Calgary Youth Physio is like opening your arms to a hug.  It’s a warm, friendly environment, where babies, kids, teens (and the young at heart) are made to feel safe and welcomed. From playful murals on the walls to the sound of lively chatter and encouragement, families feel comfortable. The Calgary Youth Physio team approach each patient with an abundance of knowledge and skill but, maybe most importantly, empathy. Getting to know parents and children is as important to the overall treatment plan as the physical therapy itself. “Making each child feel important and listened to is key if trust and rapport are to be gained,” confirms physiotherapist and clinic co-owner Linette Lahey. “From toddler to teen, if a child feels safe and cared for they will more readily share their concerns and engage in the process of getting better”.

So, a first visit to Calgary Youth Physio will start with getting comfortable. Once everyone is feeling relaxed and a rapport is established, the therapist will set out to diagnose the cause of pain or movement problem.  A detective’s cap may be found hanging in the clinic, because diagnosis, like solving a mystery, takes keen observation and depth of knowledge.  Clues will begin to present themselves as the therapist looks at growth, orthopedics, sport injury, neurology, congenital condition and disease process as a possible cause of the discomfort. Once the sleuthing therapist identifies the problem, a treatment plan is prescribed.  As unique as the child, so too is the plan. Lahey explains, “the treatment plan is determined by the age of the child, child and family’s goals, and the diagnosis. In a nutshell, it is where science meets child”.

It is at this intersection of science and child where “the google” and websites cannot go. Because no amount of online information can replace the specialized and challenging task of building rapport with a child, understanding their stage of development, observing their movement, and knowing how to best motivate them in treatment. The hands-on approach at Calgary Youth Physiotherapy helps patients get better and stay in the game.

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Come and experience this for yourself. We provide physiotherapy treatment for kids… and treat adults too!